在這 Web 2.0 的時代,JSON 這個資料傳輸格式已經越來越多人在使用了,今年 5 月份 Json.NET 才剛發佈 2.0 版,在前幾天(8/25)又發佈 3.0 版,這個新版本除了修正許多所有已知的 Bugs 之外,還添加了許多新功能與特性,其中包括:
- 支援 Silverlight
大家都知道在 Silverlight 2.0 可以在前端(Browser)執行 .NET 程式,因為 Sliverlight 2.0 內建一個小型的 CLR 與部分 .NET BCL,而 Json.NET 提供一個 Newtonsoft.Json.Silverlight.dll 組件,可供 Silverlight 專案加入參考使用。
- LINQ to JSON 更容易使用
JObject 類別實做 IDictionary<TKey, TValue>,且 JArray 類別實做 IList<T>,以後要用這些類別就跟用其他 List 或 dictionary 一樣了。
- 序列化(Serializer)增強
最主要有新增 JsonConverterAttribute 屬性,可以資料在被序列化成 JSON 格式時,指定特定的資料表現格式,如下範例:
public class Person
// "John Smith"
public string Name { get; set; }
// "2000-12-15T22:11:03"
public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
// new Date(976918263055)
public DateTime LastModified { get; set; }
以下是 3.0 版完整的變更清單:
- New feature - Silverlight Json.NET build.
- New feature - JObject now implements IDictionary, JArray now implements IList.
- New feature - Added JsonConverterAttribute. Used to define a JsonConverter to serialize a class or member. Can be placed on classes or fields and properties.
- New feature - Added DateTimeFormat to IsoDateTimeConverter to customize date format.
- New feature - Added WriteValue(object) overload to JsonWriter.
- New feature - Added JTokenEqualityComparer.
- New feature - Added IJEnumerable. JEnumerable and JToken now both implement IJEnumerable.
- New feature - Added AsJEnumerable extension method.
- Change - JsonSerializer does a case insensitive compare when matching property names and constructor params.
- Change - JObject properties must have a unique name.
- Bug fix - Internal string buffer properly resizes when parsing long JSON documents.
- Bug fix - JsonWriter no longer errors in certain conditions when writing a JsonReader's position.
- Bug fix - JsonSerializer skips multi-token properties when putting together constructor values.
- Bug fix - Change IConvertible conversions to use ToXXXX methods rather than casting.
- Bug fix - GetFieldsAndProperties now properly returns a distinct list of member names for classes than have overriden abstract generic properties.